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Think For Yourself

Think For Yourself

This is just a quick post reminding you to think for yourself and empower your mind. With the wild amount of information that is constantly coming at us, something I believe is more important than it’s ever been is the ability to turn our minds into filters –...
My Values Project

My Values Project

Hey guys! Reading all of your comments, posts, instagrams, and tweets, I come to realize what a diverse group of people you all are. It gave me a thought to work on a short little video about all of our values! So here it is!  My Values Project.  I want to hear your...
Confidence Flexibility

Confidence Flexibility

Confidence is something I think about a lot. Sometimes I feel full of it and other times, not so much. I wonder if there is sense to be made of the fluctuation, or if it just is what it is. I lean toward the latter, maybe because I’ve tried enough to make sense...
The Drive Behind Motivation

The Drive Behind Motivation

A simple google search of the word “motivation” yields two definitions: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. The reasons somebody has for behaving in a certain way are...
Second Post

Second Post

Now that the anxiety of a first post is behind me, my 2nd post is going to be about the anxiety of my first post. I’m serious. For my first “Going Mental” post, I was stuck on it being “something”. A real SOMETHING, you know? I wanted it to be important....
Welcome to Going Mental

Welcome to Going Mental

Hey guys, Welcome to Going Mental. I started GM because I really wanted a place where I can continuously explore my interest in the mind, thinking, and just finding ways to stay sane in this crazy world! You can expect… well I’m not exactly sure what you...